Important Literature

Debates on the Nature of Money

[1] Post-Keynesian economics: Modern Money as Credit

Ingham, G. (2004). The Nature of Money.Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.


[2] Austrian School of Economics: Modern Bank Money as Fiduciary Media

Huerta de Soto, J. (2009). Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles. Auburn: Ludwig Von Mises Institute. Click to download

Hoppe, H.-H., Hűlsmann, J. G., & Block, W. (1998). Against Fiduciary Media. Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics , 1 (1), 19-50. Click to download.


[3] A Legal Theory of Finance: Modern Money is legally constructed.

Pistor, Katharina, A Legal Theory of Finance. Journal of Comparative Economics, 41 (2013), 315–330. Click to download.

Kim, J. (2011). How Modern Banking Originated: The London Goldsmith-Bankers’ Institutionalisation of Trust. Business History, 53 (6), 939-959. Click to download.


On Shadow Banking

Gorton, G., & Metrick, A. (2010). Regulating the Shadow Banking System. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 261-312.

Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC). (2011). The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report.

Sissoko, C. (2010). The legal foundations of financial collapse. Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 2(1), 5-34.

Schroeder, J. L. (1996). Repo Madness: The Characterization of Repurchase Agreements under the Bankruptcy Code and the U.C.C. Syracuse Law Review, 46, 999-1050.

Kathryn C. Lavelle, The Foundations Of Regulatory Convergence And Divergence Between The Federal Reserve And European Central Bank. Georgetown Journal of International Law, 45 (4).

Other Legal Theories on Finance

Cotterrell, R. (1987). Power, Property and the Law of Trusts. Journal of Law and Society 14 (1), 77-90.

Ireland, P. (1999). Company Law and the Myth of Shareholder Ownership. The Modern Law Review, 62(1), 32-57.

Pennington, R. (1989). Can Shares in Companies Be Defined? The Company Lawyer, 10(7), 140-144.